I ever get this problem when I move my PES 2013 Files [From C: to D:] and this problem will appear when you install PES 2013 in other partition / different partition from your Operating System partition.. Or maybe a registry key has been lose..
Ok this is the solution :
For Windows XP/Vista/7 32-bit (x86)
STEP 1 : Open Notepad..
STEP 2 : Copy this code below..
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"installdir"="C:\\Program Files\\KONAMI\\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\\"
For Windows XP/Vista/7 64-bit (x64)
STEP 1 : Open Notepad..
STEP 2 : Copy this code below..
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"installdir"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\KONAMI\\Pro Evolution Soccer2013\\"
Change the blue word to your PES 2013 Directory Files.. And then save as pes2013.reg and save at your PES 2013 Directory Files..
Go to your PES 2013 Directory Files and Double Click pes2013.reg .. And do like this picture below..
Play the game ^_^
13 komentar:
Tqvm... it works!!
siiiip :b:
Gan, kok punya ane dianggap "not a registry script" ya?
mungkin solusi nya gan?
sudah bener gak semuanya.. ??
Hi, do u know how to transfer PES 13 to another system like from WINDOWS 7 to XP, i manage to start it but there is no program data in win XP so how or where i should transfer fils from Program data???
you just need to copy KONAMI folder in Program FIles (C:) and paste in any harddrive partition in your windows XP.. Try it,if still found any problem,tell me :y:
Thanks man, it works
ok brother :t:
copas ini semua
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"installdir"="C:\\Program Files\\KONAMI\\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\\"
hey bro i installed the new window for my pc but pes has error not installed
you can follow the instruction above :y:
hey...i followed it but it shows
"cannot import (.....pes2013.reg). the specified file is not a registry script."
what can i do?
bro,gua udh run pes nya di task manager running,tapi cuma jd background processes doang,dan gak muncul game nya,gimana ya gan
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