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Make a Simple Calculator With Notepad

You want to make your own calculator.. ?? Don't worry I will share it to you, just follow the steps below and you can make your own calculator easily.. Check this out bro.. !!

Steps :
1. Open Notepad. You can open it in your start menu or search it.

2. Copy this code. Put this code in your notepad. You can change the blue words as you wish.
@echo off  
title AnonCyber Calculator
echo Start Counting . . .
set /p A=Input the first number =
set /p B=Input the second number =
set /p o=Select arithmetic operators (*, +, -, /) =
set /a "Total" = A%o%B
echo Total = %Total%
goto repeat

3. Save the code. You must save the code with ".bat" extension.

4. Run the file. Now open the file and start calculating.

Minus : This calculator can't count numbers behind a coma.

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Udhy said...

thanks for your article

Make a Simple Calculator With Notepad